Wednesday, 14 July 2010

wednesday early Moving out

Hi Guys

Today the group splits 3 at Casa SEMEAR and 6 to CAMP

Early start ...after late finish building archway for Kids walk towards Heaven ... hope the Rain lets Up a bit today

Pickup truck collects Baggage at 06.45 then taxis (we hope) at 07.15 to take us initially to Casa SEMEAR

There is no Internet connection at Casa SEMEAR thus the Blogs may be restricted till Saturday when we come back to Casa Nova Esperanca(the GIRLS HOUSE)

Hope to put in Prep work for the Decorating Party returning .... might get a bit of Blogging from Gavin~s Hotel IBIS Interlagos

Although I cannot send txts I can receive them ...Honest only LIMITED SERVICE... not just a Scottish thing by me

Hope to keep in touch Douglas CHEF

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these blogs Doug. praying now for all you guys as you split up and the camp group heads off and your taxi arrives to take you 3 amigos to casa Semear. just sent you another text but hope you get this before you lose internet access. Trust Esther's devotion went well last night. Guess you didn't have too much time for prayer and devotions with the early start this morning.Looking forward to seeing that pic of you stripped down to your swimming shorts after getting so wet inloading the sand and aggregate in the rain yesterday. Its cats and dogs here too btw. Every best wish for your prep work with gavin and Craig over these next few days, and your fellowship together. gavin will be in his element. Hope you manage to get some time out back at the IBIS and get online there. Blessings. K
