Hi Guys
After 2 days of play ...rest on Saturday to recover ... Football on Sunday
So it was a bit of a shock to try to get back to work for real .... well almost
Up to Casa SEMEAR reasonably early and after Planning Meet for the Camp starting on Wednesday and had to struggle with BEANs RICE and STEAK...could get used to this
In the afternoon after one set went away to get SUPPLIES for the Camp ... we did a little to help the builder but only a LITTLE
Then after doing the Washing up ..there was an INVASION of the KIDS about 20 in all,and despite language barrier which seemed to last about 5 mins ...we all mucked in with the Kids aged from about 3 to about 17 ish.....and by the end of the day ... high fives all round
A bit of Camp shopping at the Hypermarket CARRE FOUR
I have also been caught DOUGLASing see previous definition ...Now a LEGEND
Till tomorrow Douglas CHEF
Great to get these three blogs of your experiences of your first Work Day Doug. Your first interaction with the kids seems to have gone well despite the language barrier. Glad you managed to sleep in till a sensible hour beforehand, even if the snoring kept everyone else wide awake (I have that particular failing myself, as Lydia will tell you, with passion!). Have a great 2nd work day. Trust you got my text too. Blessings, Keith