Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Wednesday 21st 11 in BRUZIL Morning Slot

Hi Guys

Difficult day for Craig ...still did not receive notification about his Job yesterday

Hard day at CASA SEMEAR ... finishing up with putting on the Permanent Shuttering (effectively) for the roof of DORAs new Flat ...and the floor for the Volunteer far Wide half done.. possibly the narrow half today.....then wait for the big POUR of Concrete to complete the Ground floor Ceiling

Perhaps just in time due to finding some structural problems in DORAs current Flat where we have found 3 lines of major cracks right thro the SLAB (1 in her Kitchen;Lounge and 2 in here Bedroom) on either side of the Current Dividing Wall which we were hoping to take down to open up for the teenage area may have to put in a LONGITUDINAL Support beam into the wall at the front thro the current support wall ( perhaps becoming an ARCHWAY ) and into Doras Kitchen wall .............Snr Luiz first estimate at cost of the 150mm steel I section is of the order of 1000rias which is of the order of 600pounds

Early start today for more heavy work at CASA SEMEAR ...since ABBA GROUP meeting at CASA NOVA ESPERANCA (where we stay....the normal location until recently had been at CASA ELOHIM until things there got rather heavy recently .. now slightly easier )

TODAY is the birthday of AIGE or AJ {Actually it is HEDI} (
sorry about actual spelling but pronounced like AJ ) who is House-mother at the Girls House..where we are staying) and we will try to do her a birthday treat although she wants to make us a PARTY TEA ... special Chicken .. but we will try and get her the CAKE

Another dilemma has arisen...CAIOs whose parents have a BEACH HOUSE some 2 hours from the CASAs and we have been offered a visit for the weekend .. Saturday and looks currently that the 3 Amigos might stay in Sao Paulo to continue the work...while the others may take up the offer ...OLD CODGERS are BORING .... who needs a BEACH PARTY at our age..................TEMPTED thou (any ADVICE !!!!!)

Now Hi HO Hi HO........................... Doug CHEF

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doug. I posted a comment on this blog before I dashed off with Margaret to the midweek meeting, having been grateful for the insights gained and hoping for ther opportunty to pray for you guys. However, not only was no opportunity provided for open united prayer tonight ( which didn't of course prevent any of us from quietly bringing all that you were experiencing in Sao Paulo before the Lord on an individual basis!) but my comment does not seem to have been posted after all! I'm amazed at all the heavy work you amigos are putting into the building, and by the major challenges that you are facing. May God provide all the resources, inspiration, skill and sheer muscle power required to resolve the challenges as they arise. I hope that you all, and AJ, had a pleasant treat celebrating her birthday at tea time as you hi ho'd your way back from the day's work. Glad to hear that things seemed a little easier at Casa Elohim today. may you know clear guidance regarding your participation in the offer of a weekend at the beach Hpouse instead of carrying on the work so close to your hearts on the building. How about a bit of both - working on the Saturday then joining the rest of the team for fellowship and relaxation and worship together on the Sunday? Sorry to hear of Craig's job concerns, of which I was blissfully unaware. Claiming Proverbs 3:5,6 for you as you face that situation, Craig. Blessings on your resting and on your fellowship together tonight, and on your work tomorrow.
