Hope you are thinking of me today ...because I am doing the early Devotions today ....out of my comfort Zone (as you know Keith .... but thanks for the prep before I left)
Yesterday was full on Early start up at the house to start work at 08.30 had to leave here at 07.30 so activity about 07.00hrs.....then hard graft right through till completion of the Ground floor roof for CASA DORA at about 13.30hrs ...solid graft with making up the 3 large batches of concrete ...then the lifting to 1st floor level.. and then the float
Then after the partial completion ...a typical Brazilian Top Out Feast the Black bean Stew with 5 meats
And then at about 15.00hrs the Kids Club till about 17.00hrs ...now that was tiring also
We came away quite early after that to chill at CASA NOVA ESPERANCA ....and I tried to sneak some prep time for my thoughts for this morning.... and then about 21.30hrs Ray Craig and a little input from myself tried to Configure in more detail using SKETCH UP an Alternative 3-D Model of a new 1st Floor and 2nd Floor with extra Bedroom and Drying Area Terrace ... we gave up at about 0.00hrs ...though Craig worked on till about 01.00hrs on a major Blog Upload including a new section on Little GAVIN the Tortoise in the Garden which we use to remind us of Big Gavin in the HOTEL IBIS
Long lie for most this morning ...Robert picking us up about 09.30hrs ....pleasant change from last 2 days...but despite that I started blogging at about 06.15....and about to Publish at 06.45
Signing of for the Morning Douglas CHEF
What kind of a lie in till 0930 is constituted by blogging at 06.30, Doug? Trust the early devotions slot went OK, and that you had less of an arduous day today than yesterday. The thought also comes to me as to what Gavin is doing about the meat based diet that appears to predominate in Brazil when he's such a vegetarian! Even he has to keep his strength up, I suppose. The pics were great, btw. I could only really recognise Ray by his well-plastered boiler suit. Praying for your survival of what seemed slave labour yesterday, but with a lot of fun thrown in. Blessings,K